Press Reviews
Lonny Jarrett, M. Ac., author of Nourishing Destiny: The Inner Tradition of Chinese Medicine
Ioannis Solos has given us a beautiful book pointing to the heart of Chinese medicine. He recognizes that it is the practitioner's own level of cultivation that forms the foundation of efficacy and that all technique and theory is in service to that. Supporting this perspective with many sources from the primary literature, he goes on to offer us practical exercises that may help us cultivate proper intention. This material will be an excellent supplement to the knowledge of those whose medical practice is already complemented by training in the martial arts. Further, it offers those practitioners wishing to learn qigong a way to do so in the context of their clinical practice. Finally, Ioannis transmits a deep love and respect for the medicine that is moving and inspiring. I take this as further evidence that not only is Chinese medicine flourishing, it has never been doing better.
Damo Mitchell, author of Daoist Nei Gong: The Philosophical Art of Change and Heavenly Streams: Meridian Theory in Nei Gong
Ioannis Solos has written a book which deserves to become required reading for anybody embarking upon a study of Chinese medicine. The link between acupuncture, Qi Gong and indeed martial arts is absolute; in this book Ioannis manages to eloquently show how their unifying principle of cultivating the Spirit is of key importance for those wishing to take their “needling” skills to a deeper level.
David Twicken, DOM, L.Ac., author of Eight Extraordinary Channels – Qi Jing Ba Mai and I Ching Acupuncture – The Balance Method
Qi cultivation practices are a treasure from China. Many significant Chinese medical physicians, including Hua Tuo, Ge Hong, Tao Hongjing, Sun Simiao and Li Shizhen, emphasized the practice of qi cultivation for their personal health, and to obtain a deeper understanding of Chinese medicine. Ioannis Solos does a superb job of presenting Zhan Zhuang and I Quan qi cultivation. He provides a clear, deep and comprehensive teaching about the relationship between qi cultivation and Chinese medicine. I highly recommend Developing Internal Energy for Effective Acupuncture Practice to anybody wanting to learn qi gong, tai chi chuan, meditation and energy healing, and especially to acupuncturists. Solos has written an excellent book that brings to life the qi within Chinese medicine.
Steve Wheeler
Journal of Chinese MedicineThis book is well-presented, with clear instructions and a logical progression from the basic principles to application in acupuncture-specific form... Solos writes with admirable simplicity and concision. He is clearly speaking from his own experience... It is to be hoped (...) he might be encouraged to share more of his unique and valuable perspective in the future.