Press Reviews
Jeffrey Dann Ph.D., LAc. Developer of Koshi Balancing: an integrated acupuncture and manual medicine approach to structural acupuncture and hara-visceral work
Fukushin and Kampo launches a new era for the international growth of Kampo medicine despite its restricted practice in Japan. It is much more than the clearest introduction in English to the art of Kampo palpation and formula correspondence. It is a body-mind cultural primer and history of the abdominal palpatory traditions in Japan. The books shines with Kampo clarity, thought and techniques and is enhanced with first rate history, cultural, and professional philosophical concerns.
Peter Yates L.Ac. Former chair of Acupuncture and clinic director, New College for Holistic Health, Education and Research, New York
Nigel Dawes has produced a work of both historical and practical value,placing the role of abdominal palpation in diagnosis and healing in its rightful position.The text is a thorough exploration of palpation utilized in the traditional Japanese healing arts. Since the early 1980s, Nigel has been a student, practitioner and teacher of Shiatsu,Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine, making him eminently qualified to present this subject. A long overdue book that belongs on the bookshelf of any serious practitioner.
Dr. Heidrun Reißenweber-Hewel MD, PhD, M.A., Honorary President of the International Society for Japanese Kampo Medicine
There are few things in my life as a physician which enriched my diagnostic skills more than the unique abdominal diagnosis fukushin from Japanese Kampo Medicine! Given the author`s depth of practical experience and thorough research, this work fills a gap and allows comprehensive study for Western practitioners.
Yorai Sella, PhD, clinical psychologist and a member of the Tel Aviv Institute for Contemporary Psychoanalysis. Founder of Maga school of Zen-Shiatsu, Co-director of Dmut Institute
How do mind and body interfuse in medical practice? What is the relevance ofposture and touch to diagnostic procedures? Nigel Dawes's book is unique in lucidly responding to questions such as these and in lovingly integrating in-depth philosophical concepts with the practical know-how of a meticulous, dedicated and profound scholar-practitioner of T.J.P.
Gregory A. Plotnikoff, MD, MTS, FACP
We in the West have much to learn from the study of fukushin, Japan's unique technique of abdominal diagnosis. In Fukushin, every reader will enhance their capacity to serve patients through Nigel Dawe's deep understanding, and skilled sharing, of Japan's unique insights into health and healing. I consider this essential reading: highly recommended.
Gretchen De Soriano, MSc University of Oxford, Founder of the Kampo Apprentice Course in Japanese Herbal Medicine, founding member: International Society of Japanese Kampo Medicine, British Acupuncture Council, Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine
Nigel's text is a welcome addition to an all-too-scant body of works on the Japanese tactile diagnosis, fukushin. This work introduces a strong emphasis on tactility formed through years of practice and extensive training in physical therapies and shiatsu. His approach is accessible to therapists of many backgrounds, opening a door a wide audience.
Stephen Brown L.Ac. Licensed in acupuncture and Shiatsu in Japan and the USA. Former faculty at NIAOM and current faculty at Seattle Institute of Oriental Medicine and assistant editor of the North American Journal of Oriental Medicine.
This text on Kampo stands out among those I've seen in recent years because of its singular focus on Fukushin, or abdominal palpation, which is unique to traditional Japanese medicine. Nigel Dawes gives us a comprehensive and thorough presentation of this valuable clinical skill based on his broad scholarship and considerable clinical experience. This Fukushin text will serve as a valuable introduction to those who are new to abdominal palpation and enrich the practice for those who are already experienced. It stands to become an indispensable reference for everyone who is serious about the practice of Kampo.