Press Reviews
The Empty Vessel
... this fascinating book introduces a completely different style of working with the Yijing than I have ever encountered before... One of the things I particularly like about this book is the easy-going style of the writing, as if we were sitting down together over a nice cup of Chinese tea.
Brian Luke Seaward, Ph.D., author of Stand Like Mountain, Flow Like Water
You hold in your hands one of the finest interpretations of the I Ching on the planet. Master Wu artfully presents a clear and insightful interpretation of ageless wisdom for seekers of consciousness in these troubled times. I highly suggest brewing a cup of hot water, infusing it with your favourite blend of tea and curling up with this book.
Journal of Daoist Philosophy and Practice
This fascinating book introduces a completely different style of working with the Yijing than I have ever encountered before, The reader is taken on a journey of 8 days to learn these secrets and how to use them for self reflection and guidance. This book is profusely illustrated with photos, diagrams and Master Wu's qigong calligraphy. It also contains a taji qigong form, photo-illustrated.
School of Feng Shui
At first glance, this remarkable book may appear to be a straightforward guide to the symbolism and interpretation of the Eight Trigrams (bagua) of the Chinese classic known as the Book of Changes. In outline, it follows the pattern eight-day course, illustrated with case histories along the way. With its carefully ordered structure, attention to detail, and diligence in referring to sources, it has all the hallmarks of a book written by a master of the subject. But this is no mere scholarly tome; its author Master Wu addresses the reader directly, offering tea, then describing the physical and mental exercises which need to be done before approaching the next section, and often inviting his personal guest, the reader, to join him for a meal or a walk through the woods at the close of a course of study. This is a fascinating and engrossing way to tackle one of the most enigmatic texts of world literature.
Kenneth Cohen, author of The Way of Qigong and Taoism: Essential Teachings
Master Wu's book is really an invitation to spend a week with a practicing Taoist, and as such it is a unique and refreshing addition to the literature of the Yijing. He presents a traditional method of divination that relies on a balance of philosophy and intuition, on numerology and wordless awareness. Master Wu invites us into his tea room, introduces us to the culture of tea and the practice of qigong. His goal is admirable. Let's not be mere students of the Yijing but find that state of mind and unity with the Tao from which the Yijing was first produced.
Chungliang Al Huang, Founder of the Living Tao Foundation, Director of the International Lan Ting Institute
In past decades, countless new attempts have been made to delve into the mystery and wisdom of the I Ching, from the most astute to the inane variations. It is a special treat to read this new perspective of Master Wu's entry into this ancient classic through the Shamanic Prediction Systems. Master Wu has made this often indecipherable exotic way accessible; and it is especially delightful that he is inviting the reader into this process by sharing a cup of good tea while along the way, introducing the Tao of Tea. I highly recommend this book as another worthy supplement to all lifelong students of the I Ching.
Bill Porter, Red Pine
Wu Zhongxian combines a deep knowledge of ancient Chinese traditions, a keen awareness of the needs of his Western audience, and a unique ability to communicate between the two. Such a combination is rare in a world of specialists and dilettantes, and his latest effort couldn't come at a more opportune time. There is always room for one more in his Celestial Tea House. I hope to see you there.
Library Journal
Wu, a longtime student of Chinese culture and religion, has created a densely illustrated and rather technical yet accessible introduction to the Yijing (I Ching) for the general reader; his system purports to get the beginner started in eight days. While its level of detail may be overwhelming for the true novice, his guide should prove useful to many.