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The A to Z of the Digestive Tract

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Key Features of the A to Z Pocketbooks

16 subject based reference books dealing mainly with anatomy of various systems of the human body

An ideal introduction to the subject for medical, nursing and healthcare students, including students of manual therapies, massage therapy, kinesiology, sports massage therapy, bodywork and movement teachers

Full color Illustrations on every page with numbered labels for easy recall and space to write notes, making them an ideal student aid that genuinely fits in your pocket!

Spiral bound with a wrap around cover meaning you can lie them flat for study but also place on a shelf with the title still visible!

The series includes 16 individual spiral-bound, reference books arranged alphabetically for ease of learning, developed by Dr Amanda Neill in collaboration with students.
  • Published: Jun 12 2017
  • Pages: 256
  • 168 x 98mm
  • ISBN: 9781921930003
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