Press Reviews
David W. Miller M.D., FAAP, L.Ac., Dipl. OM, Medical Director, Pediatric Integrative Medicine
In "Spirit of the Blood" Randine Lewis presents the reader with a fascinating exploration of integrative, East-West thinking. This exploratory work opens a conversation regarding the interpretation of lab testing from dual perspectives, and lays the groundwork for further thinking on this subject. As a pioneering, solo work with information taken from her experience and study in classical Taoist practice and in academics in Chinese medicine, the ideas presented should be critically evaluated and used to open and further dialog rather than be seen as canonical. Thinking in this way expands our understanding of both Eastern and Western concepts, forging towards an integration that may one day be transformative to medicine overall.
Kathy Robinson MD, Professor and Chair of Biomedicine Daoist Traditions College of Chinese Medical Arts
Dr. Lewis has written a brilliant textbook that will be invaluable to all who practice Chinese Medicine. The writing is exquisite. The cases and quotes and impactful and perfectly placed in the text. This book could only have been written by someone with a masterful grasp of both the Western and Chinese Medical systems of practice. I have been privileged to witness Dr. Lewis teaching some of this material to acupuncture students and to see the light in their eyes when they begin to connect what I have been teaching them about these Western lab values to the spirit of Chinese Medicine. This book is a great gift to us all.
Lorie Eve Dechar, author of Five Spirits, Alchemy of Inner Work and Kigo
An invaluable contribution to the emerging field of Integral Medicine, Spirit of the Blood brings two disparate diagnostic filters into a new, dynamic relationship. While respecting the quantitative precision of Western laboratory tests, Dr. Lewis consistently honors Chinese medicine's qualitative understanding of the blood as carrier of emotion, soul, and spirit as she guides practitioners through the process of a multi-dimensional interpretation of lab results. The book transcends the view of classical Chinese medicine as a complement to allopathic Western medicine and opens the way for the two systems to become co-creative partners in an exploration of the vast mystery of embodiment.
Sharon Weizenbaum, Director of White Pine Healing Arts Clinic and Educational Facility
This book is aptly named Spirit of the Blood because the author, Randine A. Lewis, so beautifully brings the heart right into medicine. As a practitioner who has recognized the importance of a deep understanding of blood for the diagnosis and treatment of women, I am delighted to have discovered this text. Randine has found a way to elegantly weave the language of spirit, Chinese medicine and allopathic diagnostics together that does not confuse. Rather each of these aspects serve to illuminate the others, adding clarity while inviting our hearts to feel the resonances. This book promises to be a core resource for practitioners of Chinese medicine.
Dr. Brandon Horn, PhD, DTCM, LAc, Lotus Center for Integrative Medicine
In ancient China, books were treasures written by doctors with immense knowledge and clinical experience who helped evolve our understanding of medicine, framing it within the context of new perspectives and incorporating new scientific knowledge. Dr. Lewis is clearly one who embodies these qualifications. Through this book, Dr. Lewis imparts an understanding, not just of the technicalities of how to frame bloodwork within a Chinese medicine paradigm, but how one's life manifests through the blood. I found this book incredibly useful; containing a wealth of both theoretical and clinical knowledge. Highly recommended.
Jill Blakeway DACM, Author, Energy Medicine: The Science and Mystery of Healing
In Spirit of the Blood, Randine Lewis moves deftly between classical texts and modern diagnostics to create a methodology for understanding a patient's bloodwork within the framework of traditional Chinese medicine. The result is an illuminating book that is a joy read and will become a much-loved resource for clinicians and students alike.
Dr Paul C Magarelli MD Ph.D.
This book is a steppingstone towards those goals of "one medicine" representing everything there is to know about the persons' state- health or disease, well or sick. By dividing its approach along lines of concepts such as Qi and Blood; Metabolic and earthly digestion; salts and informational byways (endocrine system) ; organ systems as the next level of consolidation and conformation of our living cells; Spirit of the Blood provides a structured map to the potential of east west unification of understanding in the management of the person. Bravo on what is a monumental text for both reference and consolidation of information to set the stage for further study.
Olivia Pojer, MD
If Biomedicine and Chinese Medicine were Yin & Yang, Randine Lewis brings them together perfectly. Understanding lab work from a Chinese Medicine perspective has never been easier for readers. A truly impressive book!
Dr. Lorne Brown, B.Sc., Dr.TCM, CPA, FABORM,CHt, Founder of Healthy Seminars.com, Clinical Director of Acubalance Wellness Centre, Chair of The Integrative Fertility Symposium
As times evolve, practitioners of Chinese medicine must learn to communicate in the language their patient understands in order to earn their trust and confidence while maintaining the essence of Chinese medicine for effective treatment outcomes. In our lifetime Chinese medicine has been considered complementary or alternative at best, not a mainstay in and of itself. Dr. Lewis expertly teaches how to view biomedical markings by weaving Taoist wisdom and psycho-spiritual themes into a Chinese medical pattern approach. Through analyzing common lab values, we are shown how to communicate confidently and treat our patients' patterns with acupuncture and herbal medicine. Spirit of the Blood is sure to be a defining work in our field as this text applies ancient Chinese wisdom to modern biomedicine without losing the gifts of either. This is a spectacular resource that will benefit both practitioners and their patients.
Dr Clare Pyers, BHSc(TCM), Cert Adv Clin Prac(China), Doctor of Chinese Medicine and author of Integrative TCM Guide to Pathology
Randine Lewis is someone who has the ability to bring the theory of Chinese medicine to life, through the use of rich metaphors and stories that connect us to the foundations of our medicine. In this important text, Randine has captured the key concepts of conventional anatomy and physiology as they relate to pathology results, and married them beautifully with Chinese medicine understanding and insights. This book is based upon acknowledgement and discussion of Heaven and Spirit and the way the Dao flows through us all, and it is from this starting point that Randine shares her knowledge of both paradigms in a captivating and compelling way. Randine effortlessly demonstrates a graceful fluid movement between the many branches of science and medicine, and the many aspects of Chinese medicine philosophy and physiological concepts. An integrative approach to Chinese medicine holds more power when it deeply integrates all aspects of Chinese medicine, the trick is to do it in a way that preserves and enhances the power and flexibility of our medicine. Randine certainly achieves this outcome with Spirit of the Blood. This text is a beautiful tapestry that weaves Randine's detailed explanations of Chinese medicine concepts with her deep understanding of medical concepts and pathology results. All practitioners who read this book will absorb Randine's knowledge and wisdom and thereby enhance their relationship and understanding of both systems of medicine. It will be a cherished book in my collection.
Mary Cissy Majebe, OMD, President of Daoist Traditions College of Chinese Medical Arts
Spirit of the Blood, by Dr. Randine Lewis, can motivate practitioners to expand the depth and beauty of our medicine. Using the energetics of Chinese Medicine, Randine illuminates and clarifies Blood dynamics. Evaluating laboratory findings from a Chinese medicine perspective enhances a knowledge that inspires trust from our patients. This book's wisdom can inspire the reader to understand the Blood's ability to confer physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Randine is a treasure sharing these teachings that emanate from her cultivational presence. It is Randine's presence, wisdom and Heart that presents a deep knowing, that in this time, she is a Master of Chinese Medicine.
Dr. med. univ. Ursula Ritz Medical, Specialist for gynaecology and obstetrics, Specialist for reproductive endocrinology and infertility
Randine Anderson Lewis has written a must-read primer for any TCM practitioner who is searching for a deep understanding of blood lab analysis. It is the perfect guide through the complex and confusing jungle of laboratory test results.
Hamid Montakab MD, author of Sleep and Dreams in Chinese Medicine; Acupuncture Channel and Point Energetics; Chinese Medicine Revisited; Acupuncture for Headaches, Eyes and ENT pathologies; Acupuncture for Treating the Hidden Roots of Disease
As a Western allopathic physician, I would have never imagined to interpret such a wealth of information in a simple blood panel! "Spirit of Blood", is an artful blend of the Chinese classical concepts and Western medical practices. Aside from being an extremely valuable clinical aid, it is imbued by the author's authenticity and spiritual search. Simply excellent!